Business Process Reporting ()
Business Process Reporting
Sweden Standard Import Export (SIE)
Business operations Internal financial reporting
Internal financial reporting External financial reporting
External financial reporting Investment, lending and regulation
Transaction standards Business operations
Journal standards
Financial statements standards
Financial statements standards
Financial statements standards Tax Auditing
Standard audit file - Tax (SAF-T) Financial statements standards
UBL CEN BII profile for public procurement
e-invoice PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0 Transaction standards
Account statement Transaction standards
ISO 20022 - Bank to customer statement v02. Camd.053.001.02 Account statement
e-receipts Transaction standards
e-receipts FI: Our utimatum goal is to get rid of e-reciepts in 2021
Norway EHF v.2.0.8
EHF v.2.0.8 CEN BII profile for public procurement
EHF v.2.0.8 UBL
Finland Finvoice
Finland TeappsXML
TeappsXML e-invoice PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0
Denmark OIOUBL v.2.02
Denmark OIOXML
Denmark NemHandel
Denmark EANCOM
OIOUBL v.2.02 NemHandel
Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement e-invoice PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0
EU CEN eInvoicing Semantic Data Model
EU CEN BII profile for public procurement
CEN eInvoicing Semantic Data Model e-invoice PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0
CEN BII profile for public procurement e-invoice PEPPOL BIS Billing 3.0
Sweden Svefaktura
Svefaktura UBL
Iceland FUT
Iceland ICEPRO
Finland RTECO (Real time economy)
Finland FI: Our utimatum goal is to get rid of e-reciepts in 2021
RTECO (Real time economy) FI: Our utimatum goal is to get rid of e-reciepts in 2021
Finland XBRL-GL
Finland Tax Audit Pilot
XBRL-GL XBRL Global Ledger
Norway SAF-T (Financial)
SAF-T (Financial) Standard audit file - Tax (SAF-T)
XBRL Global Ledger Financial statements standards