The PSD2 aims at enhancing consumer protection, promoting innovation and improving the security of payment services within the EU.
What does it mean: Standardize security and distribution for payment. Account information is a spin-off. A technical API was put on ice. Berlin Groups API has 80% take up.
Consists of two parts
* PISP - initiate a payment on behafe of a customer. Tranfer money imideately, without using a card-scheme. PSD2 regualte the responsibilty, data protection, security, open communication, information sharing, limitations and insurance. To do a payment you need be lisensed (konsesjon)
* AISP - account information. Offers a standarizzed information about a customers payments accounts. Somewhat simpler requiremntes to become an AISP, access to accounts, and data protection. Easier to get a lisense.
Two perspectives: Complience vs. new business opportunities
- standardization of interfaces
- banks starts with open banking beyound complience
- fintech: Payment, personal finance management
PISP challenges Visa/MC
- Initiate payments from the same user interface, regardless of bank
- visa /mc electronic cards,
- what does the consumer care about.
NOTE: A payment is a context choosen by a customer
An extreme importen driver for the bank and finance industry. Have triggered a set of challenges that otherwise would have taken time. Banks are generally delivering the same business servcies as they did a houdred years ago. Most of the digitalization is ahead of us. PSD2 will deliver a more common ground. PSD2 have acellerated FinTech.